7 Secrets to Living Your Best Life NOW!
Those of us in the weight-loss business tend to make the process of losing weight and getting healthy incredibly complicated and difficult and to some extent when you are dealing with the chemistry set which is the human body some things can be. But there are simple things you can do right now to get healthier. If you take on these simple yet admittedly not so easy changes one by one or all at once, you will feel dramatically better and more energized right away.
Exercise: Hands down this is the most powerful antidepressant there is, and it will cost you nothing. Try to get exercise in some form every day, and within just one week your mood, your energy, and your over-all sense of well-being will improve. Do this for a month and you won’t want to go back.
Eat less: Regardless of what you are eating (and, yes, work on eating better), you are probably eating too much of it. Life in general will be better if you stop being a slave to food and make eating less of all food in general a priority.
Eat fewer carbs and more vegetables: If you can start to switch out some of your processed foods for healthier choices, you will immediately start feeling better and more satisfied with life.
Cut back on alcohol: Even if it’s just recreational it’s a good habit to work on consuming less of this addictive and mind-altering substance. Trust me, your body doesn’t want it.
Clean it up: Watch Marie Kondo’s show if you want to learn more about this, but bottom line, cleaning out your closet helps you clear out your life and motivates you to healthy change.
Choose healthy relationships: If there is someone in your life who saps your joy sending you running for cookies, it’s time to make them less a part of your life. Just because they are family doesn’t mean you have to spend time with them if you don’t want to. Use your voicemail system liberally.
Consider a job/career change: Second only to bad relationships, an unhappy work environment sends more weight-loss clients to the fridge than any other situation. Maybe it’s time to consider firing your boss and find another or, even better, start a business and watch your hunger fade away.
These tips are a mixture of physical and emotional changes because it’s been my experience you can’t heal your emotional eater and lose weight without addressing both parts of the problem. Love yourself enough to do the real work of change, which is actually much more involved than you might think.
Much love.
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Hypnotherapy
Author of the books “Tales from the Trance” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat