7 Signs you were an alien in a past life
More and more of my clients who are doing past-life regressions are, while in deep trance, expressing that they came here from another planet or solar system. I hear a number of places mentioned by clients but most common are the Pleiades and Sirius.
I will be honest with you, the first time I heard this I thought it was weird, so I e-mailed a colleague. “Hey, Mary, this ever happen to you?” Well, it turns out I was a bit late to that party because she and several others I e-mailed let me know this happens all the time in their practice. Now I see it all the time so I thought I would explain it a bit.
First, I don’t like the word “alien”; instead, I prefer interplanetary being.
So how do you know if you are an interplanetary being?
Great question and I will admit I don’t have all the answers, but the following are the most common things I hear from my clients:
-Feeling that you “don’t belong here”
-Feeling resentment about having to be on the Earth
-Feeling that there is a bigger mission that you are supposed to be accomplishing but aren’t
-Feeling angry and/or frustrated about how awful humans are to each other
-Sometimes feeling dislike for humans but a great love or connection with animals or trees
-Intuitive impressions and feeling that you can hear or feel unusual things, like trees or the Earth speaking
-Frustration with the human body, feeling like you should be able to do more than you can
-Odd health problems, strange mystery illnesses that no doctor can seem to diagnose and lots of food sensitivities.
So, I have all of those, what do I do?
Well, it’s time to start learning more about it. I would recommend the books by the following authors.
Linda Backman, particularly Souls on Earth: Exploring Interplanetary Past Lives
Dolores Cannon, particularly The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth
Tom Kenyon, particularly Great Human Potential: Walking in One’s Own Light
I am sure there are many, many more but those are the ones I have liked the best.
The key here is to start the process of learning to understand yourself better. Perhaps consider getting a past-life regression done so you can start to answer some of those questions that have been plaguing you for a while about who you are and why you might be here.
But mostly, it’s about love and learning to reconnect with the love inside of you so that no matter what you are doing or who you are with, you are always connecting to the best and most valuable part of yourself. And at the end of the day, isn’t that all that really matters?
Much love,
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Transformations Hypnotherapy and Intuitive readings
Author of the books “The High Income Healer” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat