7 Things your spirit guides want you to know
I have always seen and heard spirit guides. When I was a child it was mostly my own but sometimes my family members. To me this was never strange and as a young child I didn’t realize other people didn’t see them. My parents called them my “Imaginary friends” HA! What an insult to my guides who were as real to me as parents. But my guides were more kind and easier to talk to.
All people connect with their spirit guides and receive information from them, they just don’t know it.
What your guides want you to know about them
- It’s always your voice: Your guides speak to you all the time and the words they say in your head always sound like your voice. There would be nothing creepier than hearing some strange guy’s voice in your head. Your guides do not want to scare you.
- They use many tools to influence us: Our guides are super busy making you change the station on the radio so you can hear songs and the radio DJ’s say words like “Dump that man!” “take out the trash”, “He’s so vain!” when they want you to dump that man!
- They know lots of things but when is not one of them: To them everything is happening all at once so the timeline can be hard. Even for an intuitive reading I have to use other tools to get a rough idea of “when” something will happen.
- Your guides have a sense of humor: They can be very funny, irreverent and even sarcastic. I had a clients guide say to me “Tell her I have answered that question 5 times before with other psychics and she didn’t listen!” The client started laughing because she had been to 5 other psychics with the same question, she just didn’t like the answer.
- Sarcastic yes, mean no: Guide information may be sarcastic, but it’s never mean or limiting. If you are hearing words like “You will never be…” “You can never do that…” “You are too fat, ugly, lazy…or whatever” That is your ego talking, not your guides. Guides are only ever about love.
- They have names but it’s hard to get them to tell you: Yes, your guides have names but even I have trouble getting names out of guides. I often hear “You couldn’t pronounce it” or “The name is not important” and once I heard “Call me Bob” referencing my clients favorite movie “What about Bob”
- You have several: There is usually one to three main guides that you have your whole life plus a few more who pop in from time to time for certain things.
With practice and meditation, you can learn to build a better relationship with your guides. I do have great processes to help clients grow their intuition and their relationships with their spirit guides. If you are interested book a hypnotherapy session.
The bottom line is that your guides love you and they offer love, support and wisdom to you all the time. It takes practice to learn to listen, hear and understand them but when you do that work the rewards are tremendous. Love yourself to do the work.
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Transformations Hypnotherapy & Intuitive Readings
Author of the books “The high income healer” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat