If you have every struggled with achieving a goal you probably already know how important it is to adjust your mindset and your thinking to make it happen. Self-hypnosis and guided imagery can be great tools to help you sense see and really feel the new self that you are trying to create come to life.
Your unconscious mind does not know the difference between a real or an imagined event. Therefore, day dreaming about what life will be like when you have achieved your goals will help the mind believe that’s the life you are really living and start to adjust your habits accordingly.
On the flip side if you are like most people, when you decide on an ambitious goal like starting a new business or creating an amazing new job the first thing your mind goes to is all the reasons why that’s not going to work. Blah, Blah, Blah..I bet you can already hear that noise playing out at the mere thought of goal achievement.
Things like: “who do you think you are” and “that won’t work and here’s why…” Accompanying all that are images of you failing miserably maybe even losing everything and living on the street or dying of obesity in some ugly way. Our unconscious mind can get creative with this trust me on this one.
The worst part is all those negative images start to become a form of self-hypnosis that can make you believe that awful and usually very unrealistic outcome is going to happen.
To counter the effects of this negative programing you must do self-hypnosis or guided imagery which are really the same thing as a way of creating the life that you truly want.
Below is a simple 8 step process to help you get there:
1: Decide on a goal an affirmation to go with it. For example, if you want to have more money create a short positive affirmation like “All the money I need shows up effortlessly” For better sales something like “I am having my best sales month ever”. Or if there is a specific thing you want like a house come up with “I am so excited about that new house I will buy soon on strawberry lane” Make sure its something you get so excited about and that you smile when you write it.
2: Find a quiet place to relax, a comfortable chair or bed and put on some relaxing music. I like Hemi Sync with binaural beats, but you can choose something you really like. Something without words. Get comfortable but not too comfortable or you will be enjoying a nice nap instead.
3: Begin to focus on your breathing, paying attention to the inhalation and exhalation of your breath and begin to consciously slow the breath down making the inhalation and exhalations longer and deeper with each breath.
4: Think of the most peaceful tranquil place you can imagine. Your very own happy place that is deep inside of you where you can go to relax and adjust. Make this place as real as possible in your mind. For example, if it’s the beach imagine that you can feel the sand beneath your feet, the small of the salt in the air, the gentle tropical breeze on your skin. You can even bring your dog or your cat with you if you like.
Spend a few minutes enjoying this happy place and feeling peaceful and calm.
5: Picture a problem or situation that you would like to change. Allow yourself to see it as it is for a moment so you can acknowledge the truth of where you are right now. Then…
6: Replay the scene. Only this time change the situation and out come so that you are now getting what you want, all the while repeating your affirmation. For example, if its losing weight imagine yourself eating healthy life affirming foods while affirming in your mind that you “you are losing weight and feeling so good about yourself” work on creating the FEELing of having great success with this.
7: Rinse and repeat. Keep playing this scene over at least 5 times adding details and feelings until you are in an almost dreamlike state experiencing it happening just like you always wanted that all the while feeling so good and excited about the change you are creating.
5 minutes a day is good, 8 is great but more than that is not necessary. Think of it as going into fantasy mode, really enjoy and savor that fantasy of having what you really want in life, then come back and do what you need to do to get there faster.
8: Come back when you are ready. Wiggling fingers and toes and opening your eyes when you are ready to this new reality.
Now while you won’t be able to go as deeply as you would with the help of a therapist you should be able to create feelings of peace and calm as well as start to see life playing out exactly as you have always wanted. Having said that you would be surprised how this simple 5-8 minute exercise can help influence your unconscious mind to create new habits that help make those goals a reality.
Do this every day for 30 days and watch the changes happen right before your very eyes.
For deeper work and healing deeply imbedded limiting believes that could be interfering with achieving your goals feel free to schedule a transformational hypnotherapy appointment.
And most importantly, know that you are loved.
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Transformations
Hypnotherapy and Intuitive Readings
Author of the books “The High Income Healer” “Tales from the Trance” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat