I realized the other day that for a 20-year hypnotherapist I almost never write about hypnosis and how it works. So today I thought I would rectify that.
Let’s start with the basics. Around 95-98% (depending on which questionable study you look at) of what you do all day long is habit based.
As interesting as statistics are, what is more important is where those habits come from and how they impact your life. Let’s look at that.
- Your mind is like a digital recorder documenting everything you do and experience.
- Based on those. experiences your makes decisions about how you should respond if it happens again. Most of those decisions are made before the age of 9 by the way.
- Glue is added in the form of an emotional response so that you follow the plan. Sometimes the emotional response is really strong as in the case of guilt or fear. Like when you see a spider or if you make your grandma cry by saying “no” to her. Or mild like a feeling of peace when you stop at a stop sign.
Simple right?
Yes, it is for the day-to-day routines like brushing your teeth, but it gets more complicated when it comes to things like money.
You may have watched parents fight about money or say something like “rich people are bad” and you might have created the belief that money was a bad thing. So instead of reaching out and taking great financial opportunities when you see them, you created habits that blocked your success. We’ve all done it, don’t feel bad.
I have a rich uncle who finds $5 on the ground about every time he leaves the house. I have watched him do this and it still blows me away. Whereas I used to be someone who could trip over a $50 bill and not see it.
There is a reason for that, in my case it was about feeling like I didn’t deserve good things, in his case he was taught by his stock investor father that he could find money everywhere if he looked. And he does, all the time.
I think you said “Hypnotherapy” and “money” tell me about the money part.
Hypnotherapy helps you get deep into that unconscious programing that is secretly running the show and helps you release the non-life enhancing beliefs and replace them with ones that get you want.
Example: Replacing the idea that I do not deserve to have money with the feeling that I deserve all the good things and a car to drive them around in.
Can I fix this without hypnotherapy?
Ab-So-Freakin-Loot-ly!! And I hate it when people try to sell you something by saying “this is the only way”, there is never just one way to anything. However, hypnotherapy is a bit of a shortcut. But let’s look at the longer way shall we.
- Identify the belief/beliefs that you think are keeping you from having what you want. Not so easy but start by thinking about what you want then noticing what words come up in your head when you are imaging having it. Things like “That’s not for someone like you” or “you don’t deserve”. Sometimes just recognizing it is enough.
- Come up with an affirmation that is the opposite. As in “I deserve all the good things and a big house to put them in” notice how your mindset changes just reading this line.
- Spend time in fantasy picturing yourself having that good thing, make it as real as possible and spend at least 5 minutes a day for 30 days savoring those images.
- I have a free 8 step self-hypnosis write up buried on my blog give it a try, Link Below. https://www.jillkthomas.com/blog/8-step-simple-self-hypnosis-process-to-help-you-achieve-your-goals/
Know that you are loved, valued, and appreciated and deserve the absolute best of everything.
Now go out there and create what you want. I know you can, I am picturing you doing it right now!!
Big hugs and see you next time,
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Transformations
Intuitive Readings and Hypnotherapy
Author of the books “The High-Income Healer” “Tales from the Trance” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat