This is the way… I love that phrase from the show “The Mandalorian” or maybe I just love hearing Padro Pascal’s voice when he says it. But in reality in many situations “the way” meaning the old way, the traditional way or the way its always been done, just isn’t working. Have you noticed that too? Soooo…. Are you […]
Hypnotherapy and emotional healing
Help! I’m feeling stuck and I don’t know what to do?
Help! I’m feeling stuck and I don’t know what to do? This is one of those issues I see at least one a week for both hypnotherapy and intuitive reading sessions so I thought today I would talk about it. So how do we fix “stuck” feelings and energy? Well, it depends on what feels […]
Quick anxiety release technique
Quick anxiety release technique Wow are people wound up a little tight right now. Have you all noticed that too? I got a nose full of some perfume at Macy’s the other day and sneezed. Oh no, no, no, don’t do that!! If looks could kill I would have been very dead. My husband dragged […]
How to Positively handle your emotions
How to Positively handle your emotions You have already heard much said about the power of positive thinking so I will not spend more of your time talking about that. However, I will say that much of the “Power of positive thinking” movement leaves out the part where you need to let yourself feel the […]
What parts of yourself have you lost?
What parts of yourself have you lost? I had an odd conversation with my husband the other day when I said to him “Bye I’m off to the gym” then he asks: “Is it open? Is it Safe? Isn’t that place dirty? Don’t we have a gym in the garage?” My replies: “Yes, maybe, dirty? […]