How to Be in Charge of Your Life Some say it’s fear of failure that holds people back, others fear of success. I say in most cases it’s neither of those. It’s fear of losing love and connection, generally with the family of origin. I have seen a LOT of this; people are afraid on […]
How Making a Mess can Make you Rich
How Making a Mess can Make you Rich Have you ever watched a child being born? It’s a beautiful magical process but also messy, very messy. This is true for any kind of birth. The birth of a new business idea, writing a book, getting a new career, or even learning a new skill. All […]
The One Shift That Will Help You Break Any Unwanted Habit
The One Shift That Will Help You Break Any Unwanted Habit I recently read a great book, “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg. It reminded me of some concepts I learned in Hypnosis school that I had put in the back of my mind, rarely to be referenced again. This book reminded me […]
What Cyclist Peter Sagan can teach us about fun!
What Cyclist Peter Sagan can teach us about fun! “I race only for fun” ~ Peter Sagan Some of you may be asking “Who is Peter Sagan” well, you should know him because he’s any amazing cyclist and one of my absolute favorite athletes. Not only because he wins (a lot!), but because unlike many his […]
Workplace trend; woman backstabbing other woman
Workplace trend; woman backstabbing other woman Workplace trend; woman backstabbing other woman. A woman we will call Doris came into my office one day with a very common complaint, “I just got promoted at my job. I am the first female manager at my company and the other women at the office are saying […]