How to achieve any goal
Goals that illusive thing you want that you can’t seem to get but you still want. Firstly, it’s been clinically shown that people who set goals are happier and much more likely to be successful.
Admittedly when I hear that on someone’s podcast I always wonder if its just BS because I can’t imagine and easy way to “clinically prove” someone is happier or more successful. But since its been my experience that my most successful clients are the ones who set lots of clear and achievable goals, let’s just call that one true and move on.
So, what are the steps? Humor me and read this even if you think you know because I do have a different take on this than most people.
- Set a clear and specific and achievable goal: Obviously you can’t get where you want to go unless you know what and where it is. “Achievable?” let’s be at least a little realistic in our goal setting and not decide to earn a million dollars next year unless you are at $950K this year.
- Figure out why you want it: Money for the sake of paying bills does not make people happy, think instead about how big a pool you want to buy and what color BMW you want and why.
- Tap into the feeling: What would it feel like to have it? Imagine it in your life and tap into the real feeling of having it…then
- Spend time in fantasy: Spend 5 minutes a day picturing what life will be like after you have achieved it. Longer is fine but really just 5 minutes a day tapping into the feeling of having it and creating a detailed picture of what it would be like to have it.
- Ask yourself “what do I need to do to get there”: do this after your 5 minutes of fantasy when you are still in a semi-meditative state. From this place your intuition will kick in and give you some steps.
- This or something better: Visualization (fantasy) is really a form of prayer. The end of that prayer should always be “This or something better” because trust me in life, as great as your goals is, there is always something better and what if that something better is available to you too? So always, always end with “this or something better”.
- Surround yourself with positive triggers: Pictures or other reminders of what it will be like when you achieve those goals will help your goals happen faster. I have a mug on my desk that says “Best selling author” it always makes me smile when I see it. Surround yourself with things that remind you of great success.
This whole process shouldn’t take you more than 6 minutes a day. Do it for the next 30 days and let me know what amazing things come from it…I love stories like that.
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Transformations
Hypnotherapy and Intuitive Readings
Author of the books “Tales from the Trance” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat