How to create Epic Success with your goals
“What happened to that pie I bought yesterday?”
“What normally happens to pie?”
“Ok so what happened to your new year’s resolutions?”
“What happened to yours, you bought the pie?”
Oh, what a nice illustration of what happens to new years resolutions about 6 weeks in. Do you remember yours? I can honestly say in the 20 years I have been in business I have never had someone tell me that they made a massive change as a result of a new year’s resolution. Like NEVER and trust me I hear everything in my (virtual) office.
So why is that? Well, as a person in the habits and human nature business let me explain something from the human nature category.
If it’s going to take a year to achieve, which is true for almost all your big goals, you are not going to be able to keep up the momentum longer than a few months.
And that my friends is honest and very frustrating truth.
Gotcha Jill, so what do I do?
Take that big goal, let’s say it losing 30 pounds or paying off 20K in debt-good for you by the way, those are both very lofty goals, then break it down into smaller bite sized or let’s say 1–3-month chunks.
Then…what, how, why and when that goal. Then Rinse and repeat.
-Write that goal down, let’s say 8 pounds in 3 months..that’s doable. Or save X $’S or whatever.
-Come up with a real actionable plan and put it on your calendar..I know you have outlook..put it on THAT calendar
-Oh boy this is the most important part, and you need to make that “why” really juicy. No one gets excited about making sure Jaime Demon’s chase bank stock goes up so paying off debt needs to be about a big picture goal like “Big house little mortgage” or wearing a Bikini at Catalina island (you don’t need to lose weight for that by the way, just enjoy your amazing body no matter what the scale says.
Ok we talked about this. 1-3 months max. Anything longer and you going to lose interest
Rinse and repeat
-Every time your sprint ends you need to reevaluate your “How” and make sure what you are doing is working and if not, adjust. Also, you want to make sure you are still excited about those goals. Does something else sound better? Good, then make that the new goal.
Final tip.
It’s not rocket science so don’t overthink it. You are the project manager of this life project now start acting like one and make those amazing goals happen for you.
I’m here to help if you need it..Creating healthy Habits is kind of my Thang.
Much love,
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Transformations
Hypnotherapy and Intuitive Readings
Author of the books “The High Income Healer” “Tales from the Trance” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat