I am not going to sugar coat this one, financially it’s rough out there and I think it’s going to get a lot worse. If that’s not the case for you Great!! I am so, so happy for you! But humor me a bit while I share some insights on money for that friend of yours who could use this advice.
As a professional hypnotherapist I am basically in the habits and human nature business. And how you consume anything, especially money, is very much a habit. But if you try to adjust those habits in a way that goes against human nature, you will fail.
So, here are some money tips that deal with you as a human and the habits that come with that.
Budgets don’t work: A budget feels a lot like a diet and when was the last time you were able to stick to one of those?
Instead: Awareness of how your money gets spent is a powerful tool for change. I recommend getting some money software that is tied into your credit cards so you can see where every penny is spent. Monarch Money is a good choice but there are other good options as well.
–Don’t take away something and not replace it: The easiest way to fail is to say, “No more (insert beloved item) ever again” just like a diet, you will rebel against that kind of control and buy something even more expensive.
Instead: Work on finding a more affordable option for everything you want to take out of the budget. For example, if you as a family decide not to do theater movies anymore, replace it with HBO. *HBO “The warrior” season 3 is out and it’s AMAZING!!!just saying…
–Start with small things: Don’t start by taking away all the fun stuff everyone in the family loves. And cancelling all your vacations.
Instead: Start with every little thing you might be able to find a way to live without, then work your way up to the more painful decisions like getting rid of a beloved car or moving to a smaller house.
–Remove yourself from temptation: Opt-out of any shopping newsletters. We basically live in a world that is a living breathing commercial. Pay attention to where you have unknowingly subscribed to commercials you didn’t authorize.
Instead: Consciously choose who and what you allow yourself to be influenced by and get rid of everything else.
–Don’t create a losing goal: I am sorry, but a success goal can’t be, “getting out of debt” unless the idea of improving the value of Jamie Demons stock makes you happy I am going guess paying your chase Visa is not a fun thing.
Instead: Focus on a bigger fun goal like buying a really nice house. Yes, that might involve paying off debt first, but the bigger goal gets you excited, the debt makes you depressed.
–Forgive yourself for what happened: What’s done is done and there is no benefit to flogging yourself over decisions made a long time ago before you were really paying attention to your money. Now is the time to let yourself off the hook so you can go about the work of healing it and being done with it.
And lastly pardon me for a second while I step up on a soap box here but, you can’t give people free money for 3 years and not expect them not become addicted to those stimmies. It sounds like it would be helpful, but it tends to do more harm than good, for most people. Not you of course, you did all the right things.
Know that you are loved and that it’s all going to be ok.
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Transformations
Hypnotherapy and Intuitive Readings
Author of the books “The High-Income Healer” “Tales from the Trance” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat