Lunar new year-The real New Year’s Day
For some odd reason this was a holiday we celebrated as a child. My dad spent time in Korea during Vietnam, and I think that’s where he picked it up. Of course, we called it the “Chinese New Year” until some enlightened person explained to my parents that its not just the Chinese who celebrate it and its really called the lunar new year.
My parents didn’t put much stock into the end of the calendar year celebrations. Instead, we had our party on the Lunar new year. Typically involving brightly decorated cupcakes (not sure how traditional that is but, whatever) red envelopes with $ Hell yea! And some new clothes, often just socks if I am being honest.
As an adult I greatly appreciated this because the reality the calendar ends in the middle of winter and not much changes in anyone’s life when there is snow on the ground and it’s cold. But in the spring when the lunar new year happens, this year its February 10th, that’s a different story. Lots of movement happens in the spring.
This year in preparation for this holiday that I would strongly encourage you to take on, it’s time to consider forgiving yourself for the things that you perceive as not going well for you in the past year.
Make a list of what you want to forgive yourself for. Ok I will get you started.
-spending too much on amazon. Ok that’s mine.
-Eating too much junk food and not working out enough. Maybe that’s mine too.
-Any business or career mistakes you made. Totally mine, I am sure you made better choices than I did. Good for you!!
Take this list and set fire to the fireplace! We don’t need to add “Burned down the house” to next year’s list.
Next create your new list of what you want.
-10K more in household income (side hustle anyone? I’ve been saying you need one!!)
-20miles of hiking per week documented in your fit bit.
-buy a fit bit or open the one you already have and use it. You may need to charge it first.
-Start an investment account..consider T-Bill and chill.
I want to remind you that one big course correction and wipe out all the mistakes and missteps you made in the whole of the last year and if you make like 10 course corrections you could fix the last 5 years of mistakes! Just saying.
Love yourself enough to do the work and know that good things will come from it. And know that if you need support I am happy to help.
Big virtual hugs and enjoy your cupcakes!
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Transformations
Hypnotherapy and Intuitive Readings
Author of the books “The High Income Healer” “Tales from the Trance” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat