Must read holiday dieting advice
Eat what you want.
Your grandma is not going to live forever. So eat her pecan pie while she’s still around to make it for you.
Low-fat eggnog is gross. Drink the good stuff.
Low-fat mashed potatoes? Why bother? Eat it with butter and smother it with gravy. If you are overweight, do you think one meal got you there? No, it didn’t. So enjoy this one.
Nobody is going to southern fry a turkey for you in July. Savor it now with your family and football or the Westminster dog show, whichever is more fun for you.
Good pumpkin pie with real whipped cream is a little bit of heaven. Non-fat pumpkin pie with low-fat whipped cream is an abomination. Don’t even go there.
Right now if you are thinking, “That is the worst dieting advice I have ever heard,” consider this: skipping the good stuff at Thanksgiving has not made one person thin or prevented a single soul from becoming overweight. So throw that Cosmo magazine “Low-fat Holiday Eating” article in the trash along with the fat-free cool whip and low-fat gravy mix and eat what you want!
Be honest. You are going to do this anyway. You may as well give yourself permission so you don’t spend the evening feeling bad about it… that’s just silly.
On your drive home, if you are so inclined, stop by Barnes and Noble, pick up Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes and read it later. It’s REALLY good.
Jill Thomas CCHT
Healthy Habits Hypnosis
Author of the book “Feed Your Real Hunger” & “30 day weight loss Jumpstart” Hypnosis CD
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