Quick anxiety release technique
Wow are people wound up a little tight right now. Have you all noticed that too?
I got a nose full of some perfume at Macy’s the other day and sneezed. Oh no, no, no, don’t do that!! If looks could kill I would have been very dead. My husband dragged me out before someone could grab a pitchfork.
Lots of clients coming in for GAD right now (General Anxiety Disorder) so I wanted to talk about that this week.
One thing you should all know about anxiety is that it suppresses your creativity. Meaning when you are most upset and stressed your ability to come up with a creative solution to your problems is basically non-existent. Which is why people who are anxious often miss the very obvious fix even when its right in front of them. This is one of the reasons that anxiety can be so damaging.
I thought I would give you a quick in the moment technique you can use to bring yourself back to calm when you are in a moment of anxiety.
You have all heard about the benefits of being present and mindful at stressful times. This process forces you to be present.
Here we go. In moments of stress…
Take a pause and look around and observe 3 things you SEE in your environment.
Next, pause get quiet and notice 3 things you HEAR around you now, can be anything from children’s notices to the hum of the fridge, just observe.
Now get present to your body and notice three things that you FEEL. These can be emotions, sensations in the body or even just the temperature. Get tuned into how you Feel physically and emotionally.
Last take a moment to give attention o 3 parts of your physical body, perhaps noticing your hands, how the feel what the look like etc.. Make sure you give a moments attention to 3 parts.
Some of you may recognize this process as part of a rapid hypnosis technique for things like lost keys. Use this technique whenever you want to rapidly shift from feelings anxiety to calm.
The mediation I created earlier this month to help release stuck emotions and focus what you want to draw in is a great tool to help you stay in that better energy once you get there. The link to that meditation is below in case you missed it.
Healing really is an inside job and the key for you is to decide right now to be happy and calm no matter what and do whatever it takes to make that happen. And know that you are loved…Just no sneezing in public, seriously.
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Transformations
Hypnotherapy and Intuitive Readings
Author of the books “Tales from the Trance” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat