Goals that make you happy New year’s resolutions one of my favorite things to talk about. By far the number one resolution people make is to lose weight. A lofty goal that almost no one achieves and one that even when achieved does not make people happy. This year I would encourage you to instead […]
being happy
How to Get the Most Out of Your Self Improvement Efforts
How to Get the Most Out of Your Self Improvement Efforts Imagine that you are traveling on your life’s path on a windy, stormy day. The journey is so hard that you have to stop and get directions to a short cut which helps, but you still don’t get very far because the weather is […]
Create the Future you Want Today
Create the future you want today! One day I tripped over the cord of my expensive and much-loved digital recorder. This is a vital tool (as seen on Ghost Hunters, even!) I use in my office every day. Not only that, it was a gift from my husband. The recorder fell in slow motion, landing […]
It’s Never Too Late To Create The Life You Want
It’s Never Too Late To Create The Life You Want Many of us were denied things as children that would have helped us feel happier and more fulfilled as adults. Things like the ability to express ourselves through artistic interests like dance, drama, painting, or cooking, or not being allowing to pursue interests like astrology […]
What Cyclist Peter Sagan can teach us about fun!
What Cyclist Peter Sagan can teach us about fun! “I race only for fun” ~ Peter Sagan Some of you may be asking “Who is Peter Sagan” well, you should know him because he’s any amazing cyclist and one of my absolute favorite athletes. Not only because he wins (a lot!), but because unlike many his […]