How to Write Your Book in 100 Days … or Less Hello, everyone! Wow, it has really been rough out there, hasn’t it? For me too! I wanted to let you all know I am thinking about you and sending you love. And I have been busy!! I have been working on a really fun […]
book writing
How to Market your book when you feel naked
How to Market your book when you feel naked Putting your book out into the public can feel a little bit like standing naked in front of a group of strangers. It’s that feeling of being vulnerable and opening up yourself and your ideas to the world who may criticize it that keeps many authors […]
How to Write your Book in 100 Days
How to Write your Book in 100 Days Many of my clients have been coming in lately with inspiration for a book that really needs to be out there. The ideas I have been hearing about would change the world if the person would just sit down and let those ideas flow. So why are […]