The power of Chaos Energy Inspiration happens in peace and calm. Your brilliant life changing ideas come at moments when you are centered and peaceful like in the shower or on a walk in nature. But actual change happens in the Chaos when there is energy moving hectically and out of control. People often think […]
Covid 19
Let’s talk about Mask etiquette
Let’s talk about Mask etiquette: I know this is hard, but it’s time to get comfortable with the idea that the mask isn’t going anywhere for a while. So, I thought I would list out some Mask Etiquette for you all to enjoy. -Wave or Say “Hello” to people you pass. They can’t see you […]
Intuitive predictions for everyone
Intuitive predictions for everyone Wow, its been CRAZY to say the least hasn’t it? What a weird, weird summer. Everything about life is just different now for just about everyone. Since I am seeing so many reading clients just now, I thought I would share what I have been seeing. I hope this gives you […]
6 Ways Covid 19 has changed us forever
6 Ways Covid 19 has changed us forever When intuitive readings clients ask me “when are things going to back to normal?” I have to tell there “There is no going back, we are changed as a result of this experience”. And that’s not a bad thing. I believe the biggest difference is how our […]