How setbacks become success Recently, a setback occurred in my business that really upset me. Something I had been working on for a long time did not turn out as expected. The other parties involved did not do their part and a project failed. I was heartbroken. Right now, I am seeing a lot of […]
How interruptions kill creativity
How interruptions kill creativity Typing like crazy inspiration flowing through my fingers. Brilliant ideas coming. This is going to be the best blog I have ever written! Floating with the muse’s typing 100 miles an hour I almost have it that final thought, reaching those last amazing words to make my whole idea hit home […]
Why you shouldn’t fear rejection
Why you shouldn’t fear rejection “No” is one of the most unloved words in the English language and yet in life we hear it all day long, especially if you are in any kind of sales occupation. Often “no” is not a word but rather an action as in having your e-mail or phone call […]