A question I get asked a lot is “Will my partner change (this behavior that I can’t deal with) or should I move on”, usually in reference to a cheater or a chronic liar. And the answer is sometimes… but not usually. The truth is people really don’t change their very often so it’s helpful […]
How to heal relationships with crazy back stabbing family!!
How do I heal my relationship with my crazy back stabbing family!! Ah, I love that question because it implies that there is some magical way to make your dysfunctional family functional through some 3 step or 12 step type program. So sorry to burst your bubble but for some of you, that may not […]
Self-love at the holidays
Self-love at the holidays One Christmas as a child we did the annual ritual of getting all dressed up, going to the big family holiday party. Lots of very punitive conversation in the car about “being on our best behavior or else”. The car ride ritual threat of punishment done I get to Aunties house […]
How to say no to difficult family
How to say no to difficult family Around the time of the holidays, I get lots of call from client nervous about dealing with difficult family at the holidays. Especially if they have to say “no” to something that Mama really wants but you don’t. I’m all about writing so I thought I would give […]
Thank you..no, no, no, thank YOU!!!
Thank you..no, no, no, thank YOU!!! Ah..Thanksgiving 6 hours of cooking for 20 minutes of eating followed by 3 hours of listening to others watch football while I hide in the garage and watch the dog show. I do love the idea of gratitude but not the way its done at thanksgiving where I sit […]