5 Things You Must Implement Right Now To Find Success As A Healer Boundaries may be the most important yet least talked about part of being a successful healer. Not having healthy boundaries in any type of healing art business—including counseling, energy work, psychic readings, or even working as a hairdresser—will sap your joy, your […]
7 Biggest Reasons Why You Are Failing To Make Money As A Healer
7 Biggest Reasons Why You Are Failing To Make Money As A Healer & How You Can Fix It Many of the clients I work with have businesses that could be financially successful but who are not making the money they deserve because of mistakes in how they structure their business. These are the top […]
What healers need to know about taking money from clients
What healers need to know about taking money from clients Every day in my practice I help other healers create and enjoy a successful healing art practice. The biggest issue is always money. Not necessarily cash flow, though that is part of it. It’s the healer’s own money issues getting in the way of feeling […]