A question I get asked a lot is “Will my partner change (this behavior that I can’t deal with) or should I move on”, usually in reference to a cheater or a chronic liar. And the answer is sometimes… but not usually. The truth is people really don’t change their very often so it’s helpful […]
How to solve your money problems Part-2
Ok so I couldn’t fit all the advice I wanted to in the last blog so here are a few more bits of money tips. But let’s start with a great quote. “People will do an infinite number of unnatural acts to try and keep the status quo going” Adam Taggert- Host Thoughtful Money The […]
Happy Breakup Season!
Happy Breakup Season! Ask any divorce lawyer or counselor, the six weeks between New Year’s and Valentine’s Day are when the most breakups happen. Nobody wants to be alone during the holidays and nobody wants to buy an expensive gift for someone they don’t want to be with anymore. About half of my intuitive readings […]
General predictions 2024, the good the bad and the WTF!
Posting this early because last year two of the things happened between me writing it and when it went out. So, Enjoy! General predictions 2024, the good the bad and the WTF I will be honest here and say when I do these usually its easy but this year it was harder because a lot […]
How to heal relationships with crazy back stabbing family!!
How do I heal my relationship with my crazy back stabbing family!! Ah, I love that question because it implies that there is some magical way to make your dysfunctional family functional through some 3 step or 12 step type program. So sorry to burst your bubble but for some of you, that may not […]