Narcissistic Personality Disorder NPD effects about 3% of the population however, if you have a Narcissist in your life you know that they can seem to effect every area of your life. They can be your boss, your sister, your boyfriend/girlfriend and frequently one or both parents and they can make your life miserable. Let’s look at how and why.
An insiders look at family Narcissism
How do deal with Manipulative family It seems like everyone right now is having difficulty dealing with family so I thought I would talk about it. As a society we seem to have adopted this idea that we need to learn to get along with our family and to figure out how to have a […]
Help! I need to know if I am dealing with a Narcissist
Help! I need to know if I am dealing with a Narcissist Right now, everyone seems to be dealing with a difficult person in their life who is likely the dreaded narcissist, especially in family of origin. There is a wide spectrum of Narcissistic behaviors but generally they don’t feel empathy and have a conscience […]
Happy Valentine’s day, now go buy something
Happy Valentine’s day, now go buy something. Love is in the air, or is it? If you are a guy in a romantic relationship, this is your reminder that she wants something shinny that comes in a little box. If you are a woman this is your reminder that woman can by things for themselves […]