A question I get asked a lot is “Will my partner change (this behavior that I can’t deal with) or should I move on”, usually in reference to a cheater or a chronic liar. And the answer is sometimes… but not usually. The truth is people really don’t change their very often so it’s helpful […]
How to improve your finances with Hypnotherapy
I realized the other day that for a 20-year hypnotherapist I almost never write about hypnosis and how it works. So today I thought I would rectify that. Let’s start with the basics. Around 95-98% (depending on which questionable study you look at) of what you do all day long is habit based. As interesting […]
Is grief costing you money?
Right now, I am seeing a lot of clients dealing with grief events so I thought I would talk about it because grief is kind of an expensive emotion. On the other side of grief there is often a cash payout. Hear me out on this one… When people think about grief they immediately think […]
How to create Epic Success with your goals
How to create Epic Success with your goals “What happened to that pie I bought yesterday?” “What normally happens to pie?” “Ok so what happened to your new year’s resolutions?” “What happened to yours, you bought the pie?” Toche Oh, what a nice illustration of what happens to new years resolutions about 6 weeks in. […]
What your spirit guides want you to know
As most of you know I connect with client’s spirit guides to deliver messages and information. As a rule, they love it when you ask them questions because it’s fun for them to share wisdom and information from the other side. Here are some things that the spirit guides would really like you to know. […]