Every day in my office, I see people who have accomplished amazing things! But rather than celebrate their achievements, they usually negate them with some statement that begins, “Yeah, but…” “I have a PhD in mechanical engineering and recently got promoted BUT none of that really matters because I can’t seem to lose these last […]
self love
To Be Creative, Go Play!
“Think about it deeply, then forget it, and an idea will jump up in your face.” ~ Don Draper to Peggy Olsen, TV episode of “Mad Men” Most of us face challenges all day long, the solutions for which require at least some creativity on our part. What most people don’t realize is that “creativity” […]
What you need to know about break-ups
What you need to know about break-ups One of the more common calls I receive is, “My ex-boyfriend and I broke up 4 months ago, and now he’s calling me again. I am so confused. Can you help me, I can’t figure out why he is calling now?” Very often, this communication occurs 4 months […]
Society Wants You to Feel Bad About Yourself
Society Wants You to Feel Bad About Yourself People who feel confident and good about themselves don’t buy as much Axe body spray, diet pills, and cosmetic surgeries. In a consumer-driven society like ours, it benefits the economy when you feel as bad about yourself—and the shine of your hair—as possible. Think about it. Why […]