For successful people Its rarely just about the money I’ve worked with a lot of multi-millionaire clients over the years and there are a few things I have observed that set them apart from everyone else, aside from just their success of course. They own businesses. I hear a lot of.. “I can’t work for […]
How to improve your finances with Hypnotherapy
I realized the other day that for a 20-year hypnotherapist I almost never write about hypnosis and how it works. So today I thought I would rectify that. Let’s start with the basics. Around 95-98% (depending on which questionable study you look at) of what you do all day long is habit based. As interesting […]
Side hustle 2024?!
You already know that the economy is in some serious trouble, maybe you have been laid off, maybe a friend or maybe you have way fewer clients than you had before. Basically, everyone knows something is up (except mainstream media for some reason) they keep saying all is well. Huh..not sure why but that might […]
How to solve your money problems Part-2
Ok so I couldn’t fit all the advice I wanted to in the last blog so here are a few more bits of money tips. But let’s start with a great quote. “People will do an infinite number of unnatural acts to try and keep the status quo going” Adam Taggert- Host Thoughtful Money The […]
Let’s talk about money Part-1
I am not going to sugar coat this one, financially it’s rough out there and I think it’s going to get a lot worse. If that’s not the case for you Great!! I am so, so happy for you! But humor me a bit while I share some insights on money for that friend of yours who could use […]