How your past kills your future success without you even know it Years ago, I used to date a math professor. One day he asked me a surprising question. “Jill, suppose you tossed a coin nineteen times and it came up heads. What are the odds that the twentieth toss will be heads?” I took […]
Why love is the real key to business success
Why love is the real key to business success Love, it’s the juice that flows through every creative project and makes them better. It’s that special sauce that makes all things possible. Love for self causes you to make healthy food choices. Love for others helps you make better lifestyle and life choices; love for […]
How to Market your book when you feel naked
How to Market your book when you feel naked Putting your book out into the public can feel a little bit like standing naked in front of a group of strangers. It’s that feeling of being vulnerable and opening up yourself and your ideas to the world who may criticize it that keeps many authors […]
Why Fun is the Answer to Your Problems
Why Fun is the Answer to Your Problems Every day I get clients in my office who feel “stuck” in life. They want to move forward but have no idea what they want to do or what the next steps are. Basically, most of these clients are suffering from the scourge of boredom. The reason […]
The Trick to Stop Complaining and Start Changing
The Trick to Stop Complaining and Start Changing Did you know that when you allow yourself to sit in a space of worry you block the part of the brain that might be able to tell you how to fix it? It’s true. Have you ever noticed that? When you “allow yourself the luxury of […]