The real reason you sabotage your success
One of the most misunderstood problems in hypnotherapy is the idea of “blocks” and “self-sabotage” As in “Something is blocking me from having what I want” Or “when I get close to my goal sabotage my own success”.
What clients don’t realize is that “Blocks” and “self-sabotage” are actually not really problems but rather symptoms of a problem. The problem is that the persons unconscious beliefs and their conscious desires are out of alignment.
For example, we may have a strong desire to make $200K per year but have an unconscious belief that having that will cause something bad to happen thus creating discomfort with that level of prosperity. Particularly if your family of origin was very poor. What is familiar is always more comfortable, even if its bad.
Your unconscious beliefs about deservingness, and your personal value in the world have a powerful influence on the actions your take and the success or failure that comes as a result.
Intuitively I see it as in internal magnet sitting in the heart-lung area of the body drawing in whatever you are most aligned to both the good and the bad.
So What beliefs are you talking about?
Personal Value beliefs:
-I am not good enough
-I don’t deserve money, wealth and happiness
Family beliefs
-People who make a lot of money are greedy and or bad.
-if I get a lot of money someone will take it
Ok so how do I fix it?
I wish I could say “Take this and do that and poof it gone” but it’s not so easy. Uncovering the unconscious beliefs that are secretly running the show can take a long time and a lot of work.
And, ultimately, it’s about becoming more comfortable and aligned energetically with what you want. Here’s how you start doing that.
Daily simple visualization.
Imagine this thing you want or something it represents and come up with a phrase that reminds you of it. Say that phrase throughout the day.
For me, I love luxuries, so my favorite phrase is “First class non-stop direct” referring to air travel. Honestly, even just typing that makes me smile.
Next commit to spending 5 minutes every day in a sort of daydream meditation where you imagine yourself living the life you want in as much detail as possible. Fill in more bits of information each time you do this, like the sound of the ocean waves at your beach house. What color your sports car is and how it smells. And most importantly see yourself living life with that thing.
Do every day WILL start to shift that magnet to draw in opportunities for the life you want. Daily visualization will start to make those things more comfortable and real.
Next, if possible, start aligning with people who have what you want. Basically, make friends with rich people, visit nice places, test drive a fancy car or look at nice houses. Make what you want real on a physical level as well.
I know that sounds like work, but I guarantee you spend way more than 5 minutes every day worrying about the worst things happening in your future. Instead pivot and focus on the very best things happening and I promise good will come from that.
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Transformations
Author of the books “The High Income Healer” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat