What healers need to know about taking money from clients
Every day in my practice I help other healers create and enjoy a successful healing art practice. The biggest issue is always money. Not necessarily cash flow, though that is part of it. It’s the healer’s own money issues getting in the way of feeling good about asking for a fair exchange for their time and services. And this keeps them from earning enough money to make a real career out of healing.
Some key things to know:
–A fair exchange/payment is part of the client’s healing process. It’s not just money, it’s a way for them to accept responsibility for their problems, which may not have been their fault, and become a part of the healing process.
-The healing starts when the client books their session: I always recommend getting the client to pay in advance, not because you don’t want to get cheated but because sometimes clients actually start to feel so much better after just booking the session that they cancel it before the real healing can anchor solidly inside. This is sad.
–The universe requires an exchange: The exchange of the client’s energy in the form of money and your energy in the form of time and the work you do is an essential part of the healing process. The universe hates a void, which is why free or heavily discounted sessions create an uneven exchange; it’s not good for the client or you. This concept is so important that I often use the imagery of exchanging a client’s problem for healing as part of their hypnotherapy process with amazing results.
–The investment heals the mind: When clients invest in their healing by paying for it they are sending a message to both their conscious and their unconscious mind that they are important, that their emotional spiritual and physical health has a great value and that they love themselves so much that they are willing to make that commitment and investment in their own healing. This is a powerful message to send to a client who may have been taught their whole lives that taking care of themselves was selfish or that their needs aren’t important.
Bottom line, do not feel uncomfortable asking clients for a fair payment for your time and services. There is so much healing for the client when they pay you for your time, talent, and treasure. So much so that it’s worth you working on your own money issues so that you can feel comfortable asking for a fair and honest exchange instead of offering coupons, trades, free services rather than asking a client to invest in their own healing. When you do this, it’s not just the client’s healing that will happen, it’s yours as well.
Love yourself enough to do the hard work of healing and you will contribute to making the whole world a better place. Do that today.
Much love.
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Hypnotherapy
Author of the books “Tales from the Trance” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat