What your animal companions want you to know
These past few months I have been seeing more fur babies than normal during me intuitive readings. These animals have a lot to say so today I thought I would share a few things they most want you to know.
Special toys: Dogs very often will show me a special ball or squeaky toy and let me know they would love more play time with their human companions. Often the play time isn’t just about them but because the humans themselves need to be reminded to take more breaks.
Better food: I very frequently dogs especially ask for food that doesn’t give them stomach aches. They show me they would rather eat meaty foods rather than foods with a lot of grain in them. Cats always, always show me a strong desire for more wet food. Like every time with a cat.
Worried about you: They can see how your aura changes when stress is going on in your life and they want you to be happier. They also see how your aura gets uglier when you use substances like illicit drugs that are very bad for you. They want you to take the health of your body and mind more seriously and to not worry so much.
New friends: Clients always ask if their animal wants a new friend and will admit sometimes yes but mostly no. Especially cats who often say, “no kittens!!” loudly and with force. Dogs who know their time on earth may be ending will sometimes say they would like a new dog they can train for you about the things you like. They don’t want you to be sad when they go.
They see things you don’t: You probably don’t need me to tell your dog sees and often barks at things in the room they don’t see. But rather than getting spooked and deciding your house is haunted, know that often it’s another dog that’s no longer in the body, frequently, one of your past companions. Those never really leave by the way.
Animals reincarnate: Yes, that’s a thing and I am often told that a beloved current pet was also a childhood pet in a different body but also that they will be a future pet as well. So, know that your best friend might very well be your best friend again soon in a few years.
I have also heard many dogs express that they are looking forward to picking out a different type of body for the next round, smaller or larger, I have heard both.
“Jill I had to put an animal down recently and I am struggling with wondering if I made the right decision”
Firstly, I am sorry for your loss, that’s hard but sometimes it’s a necessary act of love to end an animals physical suffering before their body puts a stop to it. But know this, I have never had an animal being say that a person made the wrong decision. They know the human doesn’t always know 100% what the animal is feeling so they had to make the call and they are not mad at you for it.
Bottom line your animals love you, they want you to be happy and frankly they want more play time and better food. Good advice for the humans as well isn’t it. Love yourself, get better food and book more play time. There you have it, life lessons from your fur babies.
Know that no matter what, you are loved.
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Transformations
Hypnotherapy and Intuitive Readings
Author of the books “The High Income Healer” “Tales from the Trance” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat