As most of you know I connect with client’s spirit guides to deliver messages and information. As a rule, they love it when you ask them questions because it’s fun for them to share wisdom and information from the other side. Here are some things that the spirit guides would really like you to know.
Ask them for help: Did you know your guides and your angels aren’t really allowed to interfere in your life without your permission? Asking for help out loud, sending prayers and writing down your requests is the way to give spirit permission to help you with your challenges. Sometimes the answer to your requests is “no” or “not now” but that’s not because they don’t love you. It’s usually because it might not be in your best interest to have that thing, or you are energetically not aligned to it or there is something better if you wait or any number of other reasons why.
Ask them to show you the big picture of what’s going on: If you asked for divine intervention and didn’t get it, ask them “why not?” “Or what do I need to learn or change so I can have this thing?” Or “What else is going on that you don’t yet see?” You would be surprised how much prophetic information you can get when you ask for it.
Timing is hard for guides: Even I struggle with this one, guides do not carry watches and the concept of “Time” isn’t like ours. To them everything is happening at once so it’s often helpful to ask them to show you what else is going on around that time like if there is snow on the ground or if it’s hot outside.
Sometimes things to make sense until later: I had a friend who predicted the Hamas attacks on Israel but when she asked her guides when this would happen she kept hearing “Ring of Fire” which didn’t make sense to her. It does now thought, the Ring of fire eclipse happened the day before the attacks.
Their communication language is Love: I will talk about this more in a separate newsletter but basically if you connect with your guides and they give you messages of hate and anger, that’s not your guides that might be your ego. It’s ok, we have all stepped into that fertilizer at some point.
“Do this thing” doesn’t always mean “Now”: if you ask guides what your next thing should be and they show you a new career or a business you should start, they don’t necessarily mean right now. As in don’t quit your current job and go into debt for this new business. They mean work your way toward that next thing. Robert Kiyosaki author of Rich Dad Poor Dad at one point lived in his car in pursuit of his dreams. Most people wouldn’t or shouldn’t do that nor is it required to succeed.
Your imagination is a powerful tool: If you can’t imagine a world where that thing you want is possible, then it’s probably not going to happen for you. But daily imagining yourself having all the good things will help make them happen faster than you thought possible.
Dogs and cats: Some of these are spirit guides whose job is to radiate love. Allow them to show you how much you are loved and valued.
They talk to you all the time: They love to be that voice in your head (which always sounds like your voice by the way, they don’t want to scare you) They also mess with your radio, hop into your dreams and ask a friend of yours to tell you something. Basically, they are always talking to you. It’s only you that thinks they don’t.
Bottom line, you are loved, you are never alone and the information you seek can be readily available just by asking.
Big hugs and until next time…
Much love,
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Transformations
Hypnotherapy and Intuitive Readings
Author of the books “The High-Income Healer” “Tales from the Trance” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat