Why love is the real key to business success
Love, it’s the juice that flows through every creative project and makes them better. It’s that special sauce that makes all things possible.
Love for self causes you to make healthy food choices.
Love for others helps you make better lifestyle and life choices; love for games or the game of life causes you to enjoy sport.
Even love of making money brings about an energy of creativity that is very magnetic.
Love for power can have negative consequences in society but not always. There are many examples of people whose love for power created great things.
Love and desire to hold onto pretty things is the origin story of almost every museum in the world.
Love for words and the written language is how almost every amazing book got written.
Love for science and the intricacies of how the body works coupled with a desired to solve some great problem is the beginning of every medical breakthrough.
Love for travel is how every travel book or travel company got started.
We think of some kinds of love as being bad. Like the love for money, power, or possessions but those things are only a problem if the person who has them is not a good person at heart. There are plenty of examples of very wealthy people sharing their love for something with future generations. The Wrigley family, for example, created the Catalina Island conservancy, which protected Catalina Island from becoming a small place with lots of giant condos. If you have ever been there, you know how magical it is.
Love for free time or for a lifestyle has caused many people, including myself, to create businesses that allow them free time and the ability to help others heal at a schedule that works for them.
It’s not selfish to say you love pretty things. William Randolph Hearst did, too, and his family’s gift to the State of California of Hearst Castle allows us all to appreciate his love for art.
Every single millionaire I have ever had as a client (and I have had a lot of millionaires as clients) was not after money but rather had a love of solving problems, usually a problem that made them very rich.
Get in touch with whatever it is you love, what you really love. When you really tune into that special energy of love, you are able then to project it out. You will be very surprised what kind of magical thing you are able to create with it.
Much love from me, 😊
Jill K Thomas CHT
Soul Connect Hypnotherapy
Author of the books “Tales from the Trance” & “Feed your Real Hunger”
Appointments available Globally by Video Chat